Remodel / Renovate

Grady’s Pools provides pool remodel and renovation services including fixing pool coping, pool filtration, resurface and repainting as well as landscaping services.


As your swimming pool ages, its tile and coping may become discolored, stained, cracked or even be missing. Or you may want to give your pool a completely new look! We’ll make your tile/coping renovation quick and seamless. We offer an extensive selection of tile and coping for you to choose from.


Let us reorganize and replumb your pool filter pad to eliminate confusion and make your pool easy to operate. We can replace your old outdated swimming pool equipment with new and efficient filters, heaters and pumps to keep your pool water comfortable and clean.


Water is the most powerful of elements, and under its constant wear, every pool surface begins to roughen. It may discolor and even hurt your feet. That’s when it’s time to resurface.

  • Our resurfacing services include:
  • Sandblast and prep existing pool surface
  • Remove loose debris
  • Bond coat and add the surface of your choice: plaster, Diamondbrite or paint


If you are already renovating your pool, consider the landscape plantings, the pool decking, and the surrounding accessory features. It might be the right time to update the total pool environment. We can help.

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M-F: 8am – 5pm
Sat: 9am – Noon

Contact Us

CALL (661) 699-5242